Monday, November 24, 2008


The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God, Psalms 14:1 KJV, LXX Psalm 13:1

It is really a sign of mental disorder when a man asks, "Is there a God?" One might almost say that this is the question of an insane man, - a man who can no longer see things simply, clearly and calmly as they are. -- Emil Brunner, "Our Faith," page 4

Brunner is right in his analysis of that question. He also rightly, further on down the page, says the reason is sin. When we think back in our experience of grace, can we not see the truth of these statements? How long did we wander in darkness; how long did we deny with the fool or question with Brunner's insane the being of God. Some may say, "NO, I never did that!" Did you believe in the God that rules and reigns over all things, or did you believe in a God created by your carnal mind, who was "such an one as thyself?" Surely believing in the "wrong God" is not believing in the true and living God!!! How is one brought to believe in the "correct God?" We shall, Lord willing, see what the Bible says on that tomorrow

An Inhabitant of the Valley of Achor

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