Saturday, March 19, 2011


Isn't it interesting how people can tolerate anything but the truth. They can tolerate Arminianism, even Roman Catholicism, but cannot tolerate the electing love of God in Jesus Christ. God must be "fair" as they define the word. He cannot discriminate between individuals because the politically correct pundits have taught them discrimination is wrong. Hopefully we all act with discrimination every day of our lives. There is no commandment in either testament which says, "thou shalt not discriminate." Indeed God loved Jacob and hated (yes, HATED) Esau before they had done any good or evil. Indeed, if good & evil were involved in God's loving (or hating) wouldn't the names be reversed? What evil did Esau do? What good did Jacob do? Can we not see the discriminating love of God here made manifest before men? Can we not look upon it in amazement knowing that none who are the recipients of this love are deserving of it? Are we not humbled when we consider our hope, given by grace, that we are one of those?

From the Valley of Achor